Sunday, January 4, 2009

day 2

I had a bit of trouble getting my day started...I got to work...and had to rush to lobby...once I got all my lobby things set up...I got to have my cereal.

I love cereal...I always have...cereal makes me happy...and these Jenny craig...frosted oats cereal is was crunchy and sweet...and amazing....I love
I got to drink milk...I love milk...
And my fruit sald that I made was was delicious.
I had to take a 10-100 and go get my anytime bar...which I am not a fan of...I just think its too tedious...back more on my day 2 later

Saturday, January 3, 2009

my gallavanting thoughts

I feel like I have nothing to write. It always starts this way. I think I have writer's block so I just start writing...anything...everything... for example, ellipses, I think are my favorite punctuation mark...I love the feeling of thought that continues to flow and not stopping for any period
I would have a hard time trying to keep my mind still... If you think I am mind will stump is constantly conversing.

There is is no time that I can recall where it has not had any thoughts...I think what I am really concerned about is meditation.

I have resolved that this year I will engage in a spiritual activity of some form...I am trying to figure out what I need to do for that...perhaps I should attend art of living classes...perhaps i need to meditate...maybe i need to go to church...then again...writing in itself can be my spiritual activity.

Perhaps I should identify what I am seeking to gain form spiritual activity...growth..awareness...connection to the indescribable vastness of the universe...openness...understanding...a sense of belonging...compassion...I think I just want to be plugged in to the energy, goodwill, wisdom, and love of the universe.

Maybe my study of Joseph Campbell would be a good start...there it is...the answer is always within reach yet somehow most of the seems cloaked...hidden away...perhaps it is me who is hidden and cloaked.

This year is about me coming out to hiding...facing the world and growing into the person I was always meant to be.

I want to have the focus and stamina of someone like Micheal Phelps, the courage, vision and determination of someone like Barak Obama, the wisdom, the lightheartedness and spirit of someone like Jon Stewart and the innocence and wonder of someone like Flight of the Conchords or Demitri Martin.

I am counting on the generosity of the universe to help me in my mission.

What I need now is to believe in myself. I am capable of wonderful things. I can accomplish my goals. I am talented, smart and resourceful. I am kind and tolerant. I am open minded. I have the strength to pick myself up after failures. I have the perseverance to follow through with my plans. I have the energy to accomplish my goals. I have the good company of many to help me through this. I am not ashamed or afraid of who I am. I am a good person and I deserve good things.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hello 2009!

Hello 2009!
I love New Years! I love them for the excitement, the parties, the fireworks, the friends and most of all for the fresh start. This year I was again fortunate to go to San Francisco for New Year celebrations.
It was fun as always. I love the energy of the excited people...people partying in the was great!
As always this new year I made some resolutions. But this year I am committed to my resolutions 110%.
I really do want to keep them. i am enlisting the help of my friends, my family and others to help me keep my resolutions.

Without further ado,

Be it resolved that I Lady Archa, will give my all in accomplishing the following:
  1. I will control my diet and increase my physical activity to get to a healthy weight. I have a total of 80lbs to loose to get to a healthy weight. I have enlisted the help of the famous, Jenny Craig, to help me in this epic battle.
  2. I will keep a journal faithfully and write even when I don't think I can write anything good. I will not judge what I write. I will simply write.
  3. I will be more mindful of others. I will make an effort to be more thoughtful. I will submit to the vast universe beyond my own being.
  4. I will stay open to life, universe and everything.
  5. I will read more.
  6. I will be more frugal.
  7. I will be more organized.
  8. I will make time to engage in a spiritual activity of some kind.
  9. I will try new things.
  10. I will face my fears.
While these seem like lofty ambitions, I am confident that I can accomplish them. I have faith in myself. I trust that my loved ones will not let me fail.

So 2009, I welcome you with open arms. I am ready to meet you!